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Makalah M. Djohandra (11/09/2021) ~ Metode Kitab Sunan Ad-Dāraquthniy

Biografi Penulis Kitab Sejarah Hidup Imam Ad-Dāraquthniy bernama Abū Al-Hasan ‘Ali bin ‘Umar bin Ahmad bin Mahdiy bin Mas'ūd bin An-Nu'mān bin Dīnār bin ‘Abdillāh Al-Baghdādiy, seorang ahli qiraat, al-hāfidzh, dan Amīr Al-Mukminīn fī Al-Hadīts. Beliau lahir di bulan Dzulqa'dah tahun 306 H di Baghdad, di sebuah mahallah (distrik/kampung) yang bernama Dār Al-Quthn. Mengenai keluarga beliau, penulis mendapati bahwa ayah beliau adalah ahli hadis dan ahli qiraat, lagi tsiqah.   Adz-Dzahabiy berkata mengenai Imam Ad-Dāraquthniy, “Beliau bagaikan lautan ilmu, termasuk kalangan ulama dunia, kepadanya berakhir hapalan dan pengetahuan ‘ilal hadis dan para rijalnya, bersamaan dengan keilmuan beliau dalam qiraat dan jalur-jalurnya, kuatnya pengetahuan fiqh, perbedaan pendapat, sejarah perang Nabi, sejarah manusia, dan lain-lain.” Beliau juga ahli dalam bahasa, nahwu, dan sastra.   Imam Ad-Dāraquthniy dalam hal aqidah mengikuti salaf ash-shālih. Hal ini tampak dari karya-karyanya...

The Raise of Seljuk Empire

Abbasid Caliphate losing its control of its territory to feudal governors (Emirs). While Fatimid gaining control in Egypt and Levant. 

1037 CE - IRAQ
Buwayhid Empire controlled Iraq and the city of Baghdad, capital of the caliphate and main commercial centre between China, India, and Mediterranea. 

Abbasid Caliphate retain its religious power headed by Caliph Al-Qāím Bi Amrillāh who struggle to maintain the cohesion of the caliphate. 

While Seljuk Turks in the fringe of the caliphate tossed around by Turkic power of Karakhanid, Ghaznavid and Khwarezmian. 

Seljuk under dual leadership of the Toghril Beg and Çağrı Beg managed to navigate between regional powers and determined to unite its people. 

Seljuk Beylik succeeded uniting various Turkic power in central Asia and control lucrative segment of Silk Road to Persia. 

Seljuk Beylik then facing powerful Ghaznavid Sultanate who control Persia. Seljuk met Ghaznavid forces in Dandanaqan outside Merv. 

Eventough out numbered, Seljuks under Tohghrul Beg and Çağrı Beg allied with Kakuyids manage to defeat Ghaznavid forces under Mas'ud I. 

After the defeat, Seljuks marching west towards Persia and made Rey as Seljuk capital. Ghaznavid returned to Punjab and entrenched in Lahore. 

Rey became prosperous city in emerging Seljuk Beylik (Principality) where Muslim Turks, Persians, Afghans, Indians, and Arabs united under Seljuk banner.

Re-emerging eastern Roman Empire expanded east recapturing Anatolia and moving its armies to incorporate contested Armenian region. 

Kingdom of Ani sit in lucrative trade routes between Abbasid and Caucasus. General Vahram Pahlavouni defended capital Ani from Roman invasion. 

Roman forces doubled the size of Armenian defenders, but mountainous region gives benefit to the defenders. 

Fierce battle ensued and Armenian forces under Vahram able to defeat larger Roman army under Emperor Constantine IX.

Bagratid King Gagik II proclaimed as King of Ani. Romans then elaborate with Abbasid Emir of Arminiya, Abu'l Aswar ibn Fadl in Dvin but ended in failure. 

After multiple military operation failed to subjugate Armenia, Eastern Roman resorted to treachery under disguise of peace treaty, capturing King Gagik II

Much of Western Armenia successfully incorporated into Roman Province with direct Governors. While eastern part still held by Abbasid Shaddadid Emirs. 

The conquest bring Eastern Roman face to face with emerging Seljuks from Persia on the path of uniting Abbasid realm. 

Eastern Roman Empire also exert its influences toward Kingdom of Georgia, Supporting Duke Liparit against King Bagrat IV destabilizing the kingdom. 

While advancing Seljuk contingent led by Ibrahim Inal and Qutalmish arrived in the region, clashed with Eastern Roman and Georgians under Liparit. 

Seljuk forces used hit and run tactics and manage to defeat Georgian rebel forces. While King Bagrat IV managed to recapture Liparit territory. 

Duke Liparit was captured but later realesed by Seljuks followed by peace treaty with Eastern Romans. 

Kakuyid Emir, Faramurz rebelled against Seljuk. Toghril Beg led Seljuk forces defeated Kakuyids and captures Isfahan. 

Due to Seljuk string of success, Abbasid Caliph Al-Qāím Bi Amrillāh requested aid from Seljuks to restore order in the caliphate.

Toghril Beg led Seljuk forces marching toward Baghdad. Caliph Al-Qāím deposed Buwayhid Emir Al-Malik and promoted Toghril Beg as Sultan. 

1063 CE - REY
Sultan Toghril Beg died, the throne of Seljuk Sultanate contested between Qutalmish and Muhammad Çağrı (Alp Arslan), son of Çağrı Beg. 

1064 CE - REY
Civil war between Qutalmish and Muhammad Çağrı. Arslan forces able to defeat Qutalmish and capture the capital. Alp Arslan secure his position as Sultan of Great Seljuk Empire. 

Sultan Alp Arslan appointed Ibn Ali Al-Tusi (Nizam Al-Mulk) as vizier of Seljuk Empire. Continuing dual leadership of Seljuk ancestry. 

Nizam Al-Mulk quickly erected higher educational institution (Nizamiyyah) educating theology, science, medcine, law, and administration. 

Nizamiyyah Madrasa established throughout Seljuk Empire from Syria to Afghanistan, increasing literacy for men and women alike. 

Seljuk economy based on agriculture, both for domestic consumption and main export. Irrigation project became top priority throughout the empire. The use of Persian water wheel became widespread for agricultural purpose. 

Food surplus enable Sultan Alp Arslan to cater free meal for the poor in mosques throughout Seljuk Empire especially during Ramadhan. 

Contemporary physician Zay Al-Dīn, Chemist 'Imād Al-Dīn, Poet Omar Khayyam, Astronomer Al-Birūnī and Imam Al-Bayhaqi flourished under Seljuk patronage. 

Nizam Al-Mulk also wrote Siyāsātnameh/Siyar Al-Mulk as primary guideline for administrating Seljuk Empire run by Atabegs (Princes). 

Romanius IV Diogenes crowned as Eastern Roman Emperor. He appointed General Manuel Comnenus to deal with Abbasid-Seljuk expansion. 

1068 CE - SYRIA
Hierapolis (Manbij) was sacked by Roman forces under Comnenus and its inhabitants were massacred. Seljuks was busy battling Fatimids of Egypt. 

Seljuk under Sultan Alp Arslan retaliate by marching toward Iconium (Konya) in the heart of Anatolia defended by Manuel Comnenus. 

Two armies met outside Iconium, fierce battle ensued and Seljuk able to defeat Roman forces with feigned retreat tactic. 

Manuel Comnenus was captured by Seljuks but later released by Sultan Alp Arslan. The Seljuks then struck a peace treaty with Easter Romans

The peace treaty used by Emperor Romanos IV to launch surprise attack to recapture Seljuk-held Manzikert in Armenian region. 

Romanos assembled large army composed of regular Roman forces, Turkic Pechenegs, Varangians, and Norman mercenary under Roussel de Bailleul. 

1071 CE - SYRIA
Seljuk forces were outstretched, Sultan Alp Arslan assembled forces he can muster in the region and hastily moving toward Armenian region. 

Seljuk forces consisted of Turkic, Kurds, Arab and Persians arrived in Manzikert (Malazgirt) against Roman forces twice the size of the Seljuks. 

Seljuk harassed Roman position by constant hail of arrows, avoiding close combat and attack using hit and run tactics. As Roman forces lost its cohesion, Seljuk forces began decimating separated Roman units. 

Emperor Romanos IV with its Varangian guard were encircled but stood its ground. Seljuk horse archer proved to be lethal forces, Alp Arslan executing pincer movement to finish the rest of Roman forces. 

Norman mercenary under Roussel de Bailleul were routed so does with Roman forces under Andronicus Doukas. 

Roman forces who stay in the battlefield were slaughtered by Seljuk, Sultan Alp Arslan manage to destroy Roman forces eventhough outnumbered. 

Emperor Romanos was captured and Seljuks under Sultan Alp Arslan won the battle. 

Emperor Romanos IV was held captive by Sultan Alp Arslan, and offered peace term that has been offered prior to the battle. 

Alp Arslan treated the emperor kindly and agree to peace terms involving annual payment and transfer of several cities in borderland. 

After signing the agreement, the Emperor was released with most of Roman Empire prisoners. Alp Arslan sent escort to guard emperor to Constantinople. 

Romanos IV honoring the agreement made in Manzikert and sending first payment to Seljuk Sultan Alp Arslan. 

While Romanos opposition led by Andronicus & Ioannes Doukas stage a coup and depose Romanos as emperor. 

Romanos IV was held captive and brutally blinded by Andronicus. He then sent into exile in Prota Island where he died in 1072.

The lost of Eastern Anatolia to the Seljuk and the lost of Southern Italy to the Norman in 1071 severely weakened Eastern Roman Empire.. 

Alp Arslan continue to expand Seljuk control east into Khwarezmian territory in Central Asia. 

1072 CE - MERV
He was assassinated during campaign and buried in Merv alongside his father Çağrı Bey. 

Arslan's son Jalāl Al-Dawla (Malik-Shah I) enthroned as Seljuk Sultan of Great Seljuk Empire stretching from Levant and Anatolia in the west, and Persia, Central Asia and Hindu-Kush mountains in the east. Controlling most of lucrative Silk Road. 

While Nizam Al-Mulk continue to serve as Seljuk vizier and appointed Imam Al-Ghazali as professor at Nizamiyya University in Baghdad. 

